High Peak Running

Sep 7, 20202 min

Athlete Testimonial

''2019 was my first serious year of racing in the UK & Ireland Skyrace Series as well as racing in the Lakeland 50 and Ben Nevis Ultra.

I raced well and had some good results, which were pleasing given that it was my first year and I did not really know what to expect.

At the end of the 2019 season, I decided that I wanted to take my performances to the next level. I needed to improve my training.

I had not really had a structured training programme for the 2019 season. More of a few long runs here and there, the odd interval session, some core and spin classes at the gym and strength work through squatting and dead lifting.

It was time to have a proper training structure in place through a coach. I had followed Brennan on his Instagram account and had met him a couple of times. I decided to contact him in November 2019 hoping that he would remember me.

After our initial telephone conversation, I knew that he was the kind of coach which would work best for me. He was quiet, which I liked, and our conversation was around me and not him - my racing experience, my goals, commitment levels, strengths and more importantly aspects which I felt needed improving. He listened from day one and continues to.

My training programme started in December 2019, continues to this day, and will continue for as long as I run competitively.

The programme was hard to get used to, but it helped enormously that everything was on Training Peaks. This made me accountable for each session. As there were a few weeks training on there in advance I could plan training sessions around my busy work and home life. This also helped my family. They knew what I had to do each day, especially on a weekend and family life was built around it. This meant that I was still able to do things with my family and friends.

Through the first three months of being coached I was getting fitter and my running was becoming stronger. I was in great shape and felt even better. I was thinking that this was the best decision I had made, and this was backed up with my first race of 2020 – the Gaalforce Skyrace in Ireland. This was the first race of the UK & Ireland Skyrace Series. I ran extremely strong and had a good result in terrible weather conditions. I came back home in a very happy place and determined to work harder as I liked the race outcomes.

Unfortunately, due to Covid 19 the 2020 season has not happened. However, Brennan and Kat have kept me motivated with my training and through telephone calls. I have used the time to get stronger and fitter knowing that one day races will start again.

If anyone is serious about improving their running ability whether they are a seasoned pro or someone who runs to lose a few kgs, they need to speak to Brennan or Kat and get them in their corner – you won’t be disappointed.

To conclude it has been a pleasure working with Brennan and Kat and long may it continue.''

